Macro Applications


Parametric Programming

Parametric Programming

Unlocking CNC Potential with Macros

Whether you're looking to enhance program functionality, mitigate operator errors, or reduce setup times, Macro Applications stands ready to find a solution that fits your companies needs.

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What we offer




Easily adjust part features right at the machine! Part counters, conditional tool paths, in-process inspection, and much more are possible through the use of Macro variables.




Run entire part families from one parent program. Adjust for material conditions and tooling on the fly. Validate families of parts at once instead of individually.




Checks and balances can be written directly into the program. This helps prevent simple operator oversights, and stop damage to the machine/workpiece before the spindle even turns on.

About us

Founded in October 2023, Macro Applications is dedicated to revolutionizing the landscape of industrial manufacturing through cutting-edge macro programming services...[more]

Other Benefits

Reusability: Define common tool paths, and recall them as needed, instead of rewriting the same code multiple times.


Parametric Programming: Quickly adjust feeds and speeds (or even part geometry), throughout the entire program, based on material conditions or available tooling, without needing to search through every line of code.


Updates: If you need to make changes to a specific calculation or operation across multiple parts of your program, you can update the macro definition once, and it will reflect in all instances where the macro is used.


 Error Reduction: By using macros for calculations and operations, you reduce the likelihood of errors by running code that has already been proven.


Standardization: Creating a library of commonly used macros will help ensure consistency across multiple projects.


Efficiency: Macros can optimize your programs by performing calculations and sequences of operations efficiently, potentially reducing cycle times.


Adaptability: As your part families grow, you can rely on the same trusted programs to continue producing quality parts, without significant investment.